The Hidden Dangers of Synthetic Clothing and How to Transition to Natural Fibers addiction recovery clothing cross addiction energy fibershed frequency of fabrics heidi yellen linen organic clothing quantum recovery shopping addiction wool Aug 18, 2024


From Shopping Addiction to Clothing Conscious 

Growing up, I was bullied for wearing the same clothes repeatedly, old clothes, or hand me downs from my aunts.  As I grew older,...

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An Introduction to Water in Addiction Recovery addiction recovery bulk water energy ez water masaru emoto mea water quantum biology quantum recovery structured water toxins in water water Jul 31, 2024

Hydrating for True Recovery: The Quantum Science of Water

When we think about recovery, we often consider the emotional and mental journey, but what if I told you that water—yes, the simple...

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Is Sunlight Your New Drug of Choice? addiction recovery heliotherapy near infrared light quantum biology quantum recovery recovery solar callus sunlight sunlight protocol sunrise uv light uva uvb Jul 31, 2024


Harnessing the Power of Sunlight for Recovery: A Guide to Healthy Light Protocols

Today’s post is all about sunlight—specifically, healthy sunlight protocols that can...

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