An Introduction to Water in Addiction Recovery

addiction recovery bulk water energy ez water masaru emoto mea water quantum biology quantum recovery structured water toxins in water water Jul 31, 2024

Hydrating for True Recovery: The Quantum Science of Water

When we think about recovery, we often consider the emotional and mental journey, but what if I told you that water—yes, the simple act of drinking water—could play a significant role in your recovery process? Over the years, I’ve come to understand the profound impact that water has on our health, particularly in the context of quantum biology, which studies the interactions of light, water, and magnetism in our bodies.

My Journey with Water

Six years ago, I was about a decade into my recovery from addiction when I stumbled upon a revelation: the water I was drinking, the same tap water we all tend to rely on, wasn’t actually hydrating me as effectively as it could. Many of us are unknowingly walking around in a state of chronic dehydration. This is because of all the toxins in it and it holds a positive charge. This realization set me on a path to learn more about the nature of water and its role in my our bodies.

The Problem with Tap Water

Most of us know that tap water is filled with various contaminants and chemicals. It’s common knowledge that we should filter our water, but that’s only the beginning. Websites like can help you understand exactly what’s in your local tap water. Filtering water removes these harmful substances, but there’s more to it than just eliminating contaminants.

Structured Water vs. Bulk Water

Here’s where it gets interesting. Traditional science teaches us that water exists in three phases: gas (vapor), liquid, and solid (ice). However, groundbreaking research by Dr. Gerald Pollack has introduced us to a fourth phase of water, also known as exclusion zone (EZ) water. This type of water is critical because it exists in a structured, hexagonal form, which is how water behaves inside our bodies. It is also negatively charged which means it offers energy to us.

Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water, but on a molecular level, we’re closer to 99% water. The structured water within us is crucial for our energy and overall health. Unfortunately, the water that comes from our taps, even when filtered and remineralized, often lacks this structure, rendering it less effective for true hydration. Water in nature is structured as it is in constant movement and flow. You can find spring water in your area here

The Role of EZ Water in Our Bodies

Exclusion Zone water, or structured water, is negatively charged and plays a vital role in our cellular functions. This water surrounds every cell in our body and is involved in energy production. Our mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, actually create EZ water, which helps fuel our energy levels.

However, modern life, with its exposure to non-native electromagnetic fields (like Wi-Fi and cell phones) and artificial light, depletes this crucial structured water. This is why many of us are chronically dehydrated despite drinking plenty of water.

How to Rehydrate with Structured Water

So, how can we ensure that the water we drink is bioavailable and truly hydrating? Here are some strategies:

  1. Filtering and Remineralizing: While filtering your water is essential, it’s not enough on its own. Remineralizing your water with natural minerals is a good start, but it still doesn’t address the need for structured water.
  2. Structuring Your Water: There are several methods to structure your water, which can help it regain its natural, energy-giving properties. You can use devices that vortex or energize your water, or even something as simple as stirring your water in a circular motion.
  3. Intention and Gratitude: This might sound unconventional, but research by Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown that water can be influenced by intention and emotion. By expressing gratitude and positive intentions towards your water, you can help structure it naturally. Water loves blue and holding intention on the bottle itself will also structure. Check out Blue Bottle Love. This is a low cost way to structure your water.
  4. Use of Structured Water Devices: There are specialized devices and systems, like those offered by companies such as MEA Water and Greenfield Water Solutions, that can structure the water in your entire home, ensuring that every drop you drink is optimally hydrating. I have the Athena from MEA Water as it is very great price and puts a permanent negative charge into the water in the whole house!

The Bigger Picture

Understanding and optimizing the water we drink is not just about quenching our thirst—it’s about supporting our bodies in the most fundamental way possible. By drinking structured water, we’re not only hydrating ourselves better, but we’re also preserving the energy we work so hard to gain from other healthy practices, like grounding and sun exposure. Your body uses 50% of its energy just converting positive energy to negative! So when we eat or drink positive charge our bodies work hard converting that energy so we can use it. With everything in our modern world sucking our energy plus this fact, it is no wonder we are suffering from chronic fatigue in early recovery and feeling like we will never feel energized. 

As we continue to explore the quantum aspects of health, I encourage you to start thinking about your own water journey. How can you begin incorporating structured water into your daily routine? If you’re curious to dive deeper, there are plenty of resources available, I have a course to help you, and I’m here to help guide you along the way. 

Final Thoughts

At the end of this exploration, I want to leave you with a simple yet profound reminder: DRINK WATER. But not just any water—drink structured, negatively charged, and intentional water. This small change could make a big difference in your recovery and overall health. Stay hydrated, stay curious, and let’s continue this journey towards optimal wellness together.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more about integrating these practices into your life. Until next time, drink water—mindfully and with intention.