Resources For You


For the last 5 years, I have been implementing simple quantum practices. Along with this I was introduced other products, tools, and resources as I learned more and more. Without realizing it, I collected an extensive amount of resources, which I have organized here for you. 

Full disclosure, I am an affiliate of many of these companies, but not of all them. Some companies or makers are worthy of listing because they offer high quality products that I use or may have changed my life in someway. For the ones where I am an affiliate, this means when you use the links I receive financial compensation. Using an affiliate link does not cost you additional fees and often offers you a discount with a code that I note in the description. By using the links you support this research and my small coaching business. 

I personally used almost all of these things and have paid for the items myself. They were not given to me. I do not do paid advertisements and I am not an influencer. I am a health coach and licensed counselor. I have contacted the companies prior to my personal purchase and asked questions before using, then tested these products myself. Many of these products were recommended by trusted mentors who did the same. 

REMEMBER most quantum practices are FREE and you do not need to buy anything to start benefiting. These resources are here to support your journey as they have supported my own. I am very grateful for your support.